Therapists, coaches, and spiritual directors who guide individuals in psychological recovery and spiritual growth recognize the value of a clear map for the inner journey. This presentation will focus on how to use the Enneagram as both a worldview and a tool in guiding the process of personal change.

Specifically three stages will be addressed:

– How to conceptualize the process of change;

– How to understand the primary issues underlying a client’s identified need;

– How to develop effective interventions that are tailored to fit the client and the identified need.

It is essential for those who provide guidance to understand their three primary contributions to the inner journey: safety, support, and structure. These functions, when adequately met, create a healthy holding environment in which a person can change. Equally important, the one who is seeking guidance has the tasks of learning to acknowledge and accept responsibility for self-observation, developing the willingness to change, and cultivating the ongoing practice of presence, without which change cannot be long-lasting.

While acquiring innovative and practical tools, participants can inquire and discuss how to assess Enneagram type in a therapy or coaching environment and how to use this information within a meaningful structure to guide the journey toward healing and liberation from suffering.

Belinda Gore, Ph.D., is a psychologist who has developed creative methods for integrating the Enneagram with psychotherapy, useful for clients who are struggling in the lower levels of development as well as for people seeking support for personal and spiritual development. Director of The Enneagram Institute of Ohio, she teaches a professional certification training program for therapists and coaches, Guiding the Inner Journey, and publishes a monthly E-newsletter, the Enneagram News. She is also a business consultant, applying the Enneagram as a model for stress management, team building, and leadership coaching. Since 1975 Belinda has been developing and facilitating educational and experiential workshops for both professional development and personal growth.

On a regular basis I find myself thankful for how the Enneagram has changed my life. At a personal level, the Enneagram was the tool that finally allowed me to see myself clearly and to understand how to let go of attitudes that had always led to shame and frustration in my life. How could I not want to share this remarkable discovery with the world? I have been a therapist and workshop facilitator for thirty years, so it was natural for me to introduce the Enneagram with clients and to teach about what I was discovering in my personal life and in my work. Our shared enthusiasm for living liberated lives gives me hope for the future of the world.


Belinda Gore


2005 IEA Global Conference

San Francisco, California, USA