Last August when I came back to Brazil after having participated as a speaker at the International Enneagram Association Conference in Redwood City, California, with the topic of “Global Unity Enneagram; a Proposal for Applying Enneagram in Programs of Education, Social Responsibility and Sustainability,” I realized that it is really urgent to mobilize our community on these current critical issues. Signs of this planetary emergency were in the newsstands in the San Francisco airport, especially in Newsweek magazine of August 13, 2007, with the following cover: Global Warming is a Hoax. USA TODAY of August 10-12, 2007, published a report on the front page called “Climate Model Predicts Hot Decade.” Scientific American Magazine that same month published an article on “The Undeniable Case for Global Warming.” Global Warming… We have been hearing these two words more and more often. We are in a critical moment worldwide. Not that it has arrived without warning, but it has never been so urgent to become aware that our species is endangered and it has never been so urgent that each one of us must do something about it. We human beings are responsible for this crisis whose consequences are still unpredictable. The negative aspects of the human psyche are behind all this: our greed, our aggressiveness, our indolence, our illusory ways of interpreting reality, our false idea of separativeness, and finally, the “Nine Sins” and its “tentacles”. In 2000, my book Apocalypse 21: A Vision of Good that is About to Come was published. It is a mixture of science fiction and romance in which I wrote that our species can suffer a violent evolutionary “Deflection” if we can’t reverse the current and dangerous world scenery. Many of these issues have been happening. It is in this book that I included the Manifest of Global Unity Enneagram. In his endnote presentation, Khristian will explore how the unity of global consciousness is essential to heal the ills of the world.

Khristian Paterhan Condes


2008 IEA Global Conference

Atlanta, Georgia, USA