Political headlines, international news and the business pages of daily newspapers alternately praise and blame persons regarded as leaders. History repeatedly demonstrates the consequences of the correct/incorrect match of person and situation…of personality and challenge. This workshop will explore some of the reasons why a Kennedy becomes a legend and a Nixon becomes a disgrace. It will also investigate how Oprah rules the air and Hillary arouses suspicion. Participants will be invited to experience their own leadership styles through interaction with each other. The Enneagram will be used to explain the dynamics of each leadership style. You will learn:

o The ways you exercise leadership

o How the situation challenges you to lead

o How your response is channeled by personality

o The potential of each leadership style

o Ways to improve your leadership

o Practical tips to help others become better leaders

Knowing how the Enneagram operates in you and others helps explain the art of leadership. Learning to lead better is the challenge of this workshop.

Patrick O’Leary


2000 IEA Global Conference

Burlingame, California, USA