The Healthy One
John, a Type One, is a delight when he’s healthy. Light-hearted, kind, reasonable, fair, wise, discerning, Jon Stewart-funny (of The Daily Show) and self-effacing, he can laugh…
Join us February 26 for the Roseville Enneagram Discussion Group
The Roseville Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This month we will…
Procrustes was a nasty fellow.
The mythological innkeeper had strong opinions about beds, believing that a bed should fit perfectly. Of course one can’t get a new and perfectly fitting…
Please mark your calendar for the February 11th meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the IEA. We will continue the series on the Harmonic Triads – Part II: The Heaven…
Fours may be motivated to change for a variety of reasons: conflicts about their identity; to resolve their sense of alienation and mismatch with the outside world; creative blocks; to…
This abbreviated life story from my forthcoming book with C.J. Fitzsimons is condensed from an interview with an Enneagram Eight. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two for…
Southside Enneagram Discussion Group at Starbucks Tuesday January 21, 7-8:30 p.m.
We have moved our discussion group to a new location – Starbucks downstairs in Barnes and Noble at the Galleria.…
Join us January 22 for the Roseville Enneagram Discussion Group
The Roseville Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This month we will…
Threes may be motivated to change for a variety of reasons, among them: a brush with mortality that gives the Three a sense that life is short; a medical problem…
Broadly speaking, a Two’s basic life choice is to be either honestly selfish or blindly selfish. In the former case, he takes direct responsibility for meeting his own needs and…
This abbreviated life story from my forthcoming book with C.J. Fitzsimons is condensed from an interview with an Enneagram Seven. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two for…
Godt Nytår!
Jeg kan godt lide at tænke på begyndelsen af ​​et nyt år som en mulighed for at se tilbage og fejre det der blev opnået i det forgangne…
Happy New Year!
I like to think about the beginning of a new year as an opportunity to look back, and celebrate what was accomplished as well as to see…
Feliz Año Nuevo!
Me gusta pensar sobre el comienzo del año como una oportunidad para mirar atrás, y celebrar lo que se logró, así como también identificar lo que podemos…
Ones may be motivated to change for a number of reasons. Presenting problems to therapists and counselors can include: depression, a sense of maladaptation or melancholy, creeping alcoholism, romantic instability,…
Le 4 est un de ceux que j’appelle pour plaisanter, « la Base ennéagramme de la Nature ».
A un âge avancé, ils ont tendance à ralentir le tempo, à devenir laconiques…
This sixth life story, from the forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, is condensed from an interview with an Enneagram Six. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two…
Les Un cherchent à être au mieux. Ils tiennent à réaliser tous leurs potentiels, à devenir ce qu’ils sont…
To celebrate the release of Jerry Wagner’s “Nine Lenses on the World” in Danish, the Danish IEA invited its members to come for an evening of reflection and exercises. Lone…
The first Italian IEA Italia Local Enneagram Event took place on September 14th and 15th 2013 in Sestri Levante, a wonderful seaside town in the Liguria region.
Most participants were…
Core Relapse Wound—I Do Not Deserve nor need Love, you do!
When the Two enters recovery he is driven by the heart-breaking feeling that he has lost contact with all…
In the 1945 French film Children of Paradise, there is a pivotal moment when all seems lost. The story concerns a love triangle set in a theater company involving a…
Healthy Two
Martin came into addiction recovery twenty-four years ago, and it shows. Sitting at an AA meeting, his angular face and body embody stillness, grace, strength…
Going directly from a Nine culture (Hawaii) to a Three culture (US Mainland) can be somewhat jarring. I know. I migrate that direction every summer. However, add going from a…
This fifth life story, from the forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, is condensed from an interview with an Enneagram Five. In the book there will be eighteen life stories, two…