Our presentation will be a practical introduction and a real experience of what the Arica School — our common school of knowledge — has to offer. It is the roots…
Dianne Collins is the creator of QuantumThink(R), a groundbreaking new system of thinking that blends the genius of modern science with ancient spiritual knowledge into practical wisdom. Collins is a…
What factors actually determine how some relationships are strengthened and sustained, even during profound crises, while others crumble and dissolve? This workshop will take a serious look into the meaning…
Somehow we seekers fell into a trap as we started to pull apart spiritual transformation. The trap is that we talk about it rather than embodying it. The trap is…
Derived from Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Meta Programs are unconscious, deep-rooted patterns by which we filter our experience and shape our perceptions. Like Enneagram styles, Meta Programs help us create and…
The intent of this lively interactive coaching dialogue is for participants to experience real time quantum leaps in awareness that translate into life enhancing results. In the quantum world “context…
Every book published with Enneagram in its title begins with a synopsis of the author’s understanding of the origins and/or history of this theory of personality. This seminar attempts a…
Noticing in rudimentary ways that there is movement throughout the heavens has in turn moved human beings to build ancient structure after ancient structure (i.e. Stonehenge) to track this movement…
Self-Mastery means truly accepting who you are at this point in your development journey, then working toward even higher levels of self-development and growth. This session involves assessing your selfmastery…
In this experiential movement workshop, we will look at the ancient art, science, and philosophy of yoga, and how it relates to the teachings of the Enneagram.
Through gentle and relaxing…
This presentation will compare the Enneagram as pre-birth temperament styles with the theory of post-birth character structures and armoring from body psychotherapy. Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen and others have developed…
This presentation will contribute to a greater understanding of the role played by Enneagram types and centers in conflict and conflict conversations. Conflict conversations follow a pattern. There are prevailing…
Participants will work from both a case study and from direct experience. This is an interactive workshop going between individual learning and integration, practice, small group exploration, and large group…
Enneagram theory and discussions briefly acknowledge levels of emotional health as healthy, average and unhealthy, but do not significantly address how to facilitate movement from one level to a healthier…
Improving Your Relationship to Money
Working with Your Enneagram Type and Instinctual Stack to Achieve Greater Financial Abundance
This workshop will help people begin to think about how their Enneagram type and instinctual stack come together to impact their relationship to money, their financial attitudes, decisions, and behaviors.…
In antiquity Geometry and Arithmetic constituted two of the four major intellectual disciplines that comprised a classical education (The other two disciplines were Astronomy and Music/Harmony). They were considered by…
All of the spiritual traditions of the world incorporate meditation and contemplation as part of their spiritual practice. They do so in the belief that the journey of personal development…
Alexandra Vance and Katy Taylor will share their own collage explorations of the underlying spiritual impulses of the Enneagram, and invite participants to explore the Enneagram through collage.
Many people can…
Conflict management theory: an introduction
Why dealing with conflict is so hard when it involves those close to us
Sources of conflict and implications for how to manage it
Conflict affects each and every one of us and is often more painful and more prevalent with those that are close to us. The Enneagram is a powerful tool to…
This presentation proposes the perspective/theory that at the center of the development of personality types in general, and Enneatypes specifically, is each individual’s ultimate awareness of and confrontation with his…
The intent of this presentation is to put forth the Holy Ideas as the antidote to the ego-fixations and to elucidate the “oneness” of all that is through non-dual perception…
The innate truths of the struggles and triumphs of the human condition can be found within the many myths of both the ancient world of legend and the contemporary world…
People who experience chronic pain frequently feel as though they live in a separate world. What is this world like? And how is this world experienced by the different personalities?…
How can the experience of loss of loved ones or our own impending death open the opportunity for growth and transformation? What are steps in the grief process? What are…
The Land of AND
Metaphor, Improvisation, and Symbolic Modeling For Coaches, Counselors, and Creative Communicators
The power of personal metaphor in change work is presumed; the question raised is how to better elicit the most powerful of these metaphors–those of the client’s own creation.
Theatre exercises…
Through lecture, group discussion, and panels, this session will describe the distinct characteristics of the 27 Enneagram subtypes as articulated by Claudio Naranjo. While many studies of the subtypes focus…
This workshop opens individuals to explore their personal, political and cultural relationship to money. Individuals will identify the specific roadblocks that are present in their prosperity consciousness.
Enneagram panels, dyads, and…
Throughout history, human beings have yearned to be one with their True Nature. To this end, they have created many practices to reach their full potential, and to integrate their…
Nowhere is the evolution of the Enneagram more evident than in its application to leadership development within organizational and business settings. Consultants and coaches who understand and appreciate the value…