This program is based on articles that appeared in the October and November issues of The Enneagram Monthly and will address the affect of the three instinctive drives on leadership and performance in the workplace. The program is based on the presenter’s experience working with the Enneagram as a tool for executive coaching and team building in Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and small businesses.

The subtypes have been written about and taught widely, but the topic still seems confusing to many people. In addition to not clearly understanding precisely what instinctive drives are at work, most people do not know how to effectively and practically apply an understanding of the subtypes to growth and development.

This program will: clearly explain the instinctive drives (nesting and nurturing, orienting to the group, and attracting and seducing); clarify how the instincts interact with the nine personality strategies to form the 27 subtypes; identify each subtype’s greatest strengths and biggest weaknesses; map strategies for growth for each subtype. We will also discuss the predictable preferential stacking of the instincts and the correlation between subtype and wings.

Mario Sikora is president of Mario Sikora & Company and coauthor of From Awareness to Action: The Enneagram, Emotional Intelligence, and Change (University of Scranton Press). Since 1998, in addition to a variety of general management-consulting interventions, he has conducted Enneagram-based training programs in more than a dozen organizations, including Motorola, Rohm & Haas, and Johnson & Johnson. Over 200 executives have completed his Enneagram-based, one-on-one executive coaching/leadership development program and hundreds more have attended his corporate workshops. He is a featured presenter in Motorola’s “Leadership Essentials” training program.

. Website: www.mariosikora.com

Mario Sikora


2006 IEA Global Conference

Chicago, Illinois, USA