This presentation proposes the perspective/theory that at the center of the development of personality types in general, and Enneatypes specifically, is each individual’s ultimate awareness of and confrontation with his or her own mortality, and that this occurs at an early age. And that this is a fact of life–an integral part of life. Our consciousness separates us from other life forms. There is a problematic side of being conscious that other life forms do not have to confront: we are mortal beings and we are conscious of the fact that some day we will have to die. It is proposed that the Enneatypes emerge out of this awareness, and in defense or denial of it. It is further proposed that our personal growth is key to our coming to terms with this awareness and that the evolution of the Enneatypes into a more conscious place emerges out of our confronting our mortality, death. This will be a presentation utilizing group discussion. It will initially involve presenting this perspective and going through the nine types in light of this proposed perspective. Dr. Prokopis will particularly draw on his studies with the work of Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death, and with A. H. Almaas, Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas.

Dr. Andrew M. Prokopis is a licensed clinical and consulting psychologist with a private psychotherapy and forensic practice. His degrees include a bachelor’s degree from Lesley College, a master’s degree from Harvard University, and a doctoral degree from Antioch University. He is presently writing a book on the awareness of death and its effects on human development.

Andrew M. Prokopis


2008 IEA Global Conference

Atlanta, Georgia, USA