The symbolic and archetypal language that is characteristic of each type guides us toward transcending the ego and becoming more conscious of ourselves in everyday experiences. Life is “the Art of Relationship.” Human beings are not made of matter but of interactions, an energy web that manifests in a state of sensitive reciprocity. In the same manner, reading the Personal Map is best done by capturing a web that manifests in a latent manner all present and historical circumstances of the person, allowing one to make a diagnostic and a forecast (Sinastra). In “the Art of Listening and Silencing” comprehending oneself allows us to study ourselves in action, which is in relationship, and also to understand how we face reality as it is.

Lucia Monica Inserra is a National Professor of Beaux Arts, and Jungian Coordinator. She is a teacher and researcher in anthropology, a holistic practitioner, and a group dynamics coordinator. She is the founder and president of the FUNDACIN CENTRO ARGENTINO DE ENEAGRAMA; creator of the CAREER SUPERIOR ENNEAGRAM FORMER (FORMADOR SUPERIOR EN ENEAGRAMA) and co-founder of the Conciousness University (Universidad de la Conciencia.). In the research field, she has been recognized for her antrophologycal studies, having been in the field for 17 years. She is an HR consultant specializing in leadership, personal and group coaching using the Enneagram, corporate diagnostics, and forecasting. She also coordinates and leads “Travels For Growth” in her country and abroad, applying a method that she developed: “The Living Enneagram” (El Eneagrama Vivencial R). She is specialized in addressing seminars, conferences and workshops in Argentina and abroad.

Lucia Monica Inserra


2009 IEA Global Conference

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA