Going on Automatic Pilot
At the Average levels of development (Levels 4 to 6), when an emotional trigger is touched…
The Heart Triad-Types Two, Three, and Four
Two, Three, and Four make up the heart center triad. The emotion that fuels their drives is grief. Other Enneagram authors also refer…
In the Enneagram’s organization, Twos, Threes and Fours form an ’emotional trio’ as do Fives, Sixes and Sevens and then…
The Levels of Development are a map and guide to greater Presence. Let’s take a closer look.
Awake, Present, and…
This first life story from the forthcoming book co-authored…
Let’s examine descriptions of each type and how their energy or ‘force field’ feels to the rest of us. In…
This is a reposting of an article written by CJ Fitzsimons, Ph.D. on his
Nos « au-revoir » suite à la Conférence 2013 de l’IEA à Denver me paraissent déjà si lointains. Mais c’était il y…
In the Enneagram’s organization, Twos, Threes and Fours form an ’emotional trio’ as do Fives, Sixes and Sevens and then…
The request for proposals for presentations for the 2014 IEA Conference has been sent out and people will soon be able to submit proposals. Some significant changes were made to the…
Anyone in 12 Step recovery knows about the Levels of Development from their daily life. It’s as simple as this:…
The IEA Board recognizes how important it is to communicate to our membership. Thus, we will publish occasional Governance Updates here on the Nine Points Magazine portal providing the rationale…
There will be eighteen life stories in a forthcoming book co-authored by C.J. Fitzsimons, two for each…
Energy. It sounds like a woo-woo term, indistinct, ineffable. Not measurable nor quantifiable. We don’t easily have language to describe…
In the Enneagram’s organization, Twos, Threes and Fours form an ’emotional trio’ as do Fives, Sixes and Sevens and then…
Tom Condon has worked with the Enneagram since 1980 and with Ericksonian hypnosis and…
(This is part of a series of articles on critical thinking skills and the Enneagram.)
There is a syndrome that happens…
It is eight weeks since I left Colorado but images of those few days keep popping into…
1. Tom Condon has very generously agreed to post some substantial pieces from his book, “The Dynamic Enneagram”, on Nine Points; these will start appearing once a week from tomorrow.
…Do you know your Instinctual Stack? Would you be interested in sharing your knowledge in an effort to help others more easily recognize their Instinctual Stack? If…
The first in a series.
If you look inside what do you find?
How do you know if it…
Parece que fue hace mucho cuando nos despedimos al final de la conferencia de la IEA en Denver este…
It feels like ages ago since we said our goodbyes when the 2103 IEA conference was over. But it was…
In the world of ideas, my love of the Enneagram is rivaled only by my love of the work of the…