Like any vibrant, dynamic organization, the IEA continues to evolve as the needs of our members evolve.
Our vision a world…
Gontxu Morán
There’s a song from the Spanish group Vetusta Morla, the refrain of which is: “Disguising, Seducing, Becoming Handsome For You.” Nothing seems more appropriate to explain the dilemma…
Estoy sentada frente a un gran ventanal mirando como se pone en sol en el océano Pacífico mientras escribo esta carta.…
I’m sitting in front of a big window watching the sunset over the Pacific while I write…
The Enneagram has been an extremely useful tool in bringing people together to understand themselves and each other. When I first learned about the Enneagram, I fell in love with…
Expanding on the presentations to the IEA in Madrid in February 2012 “Enneagram: Vitamin of the Soul”, and to…
In our work together as public school administrators, we employed the Enneagram to improve communication among members of our school district’s leadership team. (A reflection of that experience appeared in…
Imagine the form of the Enneagram projected onto a gridded crossword space — an “Enneagram Crucigram”
The result is…
Looking forward: We will host Dr. David Daniels in San Francisco in February, 2013 doing what he does best – working with individuals, couples and panels on relationship issues and…
The Enneagram Institute posted a lovely tribute to Don; here are a few extracts:
Don Richard Riso, 66, author, counselor, leading authority on the Enneagram personality system, and an influential…
When people learn the Enneagram, they often feel a loss of what they…
In spite of the sweltering mid-September heat, a hearty group of local Enneagram professionals and enthusiasts gathered at Golden Circle Spiritual Center in Tustin to better…
When I first registered for the 2012 International Enneagram Conference in Long Beach, I had to select which age range I belonged to as a participant.…
The emerging Enneagram perspective of this workshop comes from the “Back to the Future” spiritual guide, Ignatius Loyola (1491 – 1556). Ignatius may not have used…
Just the other day, the IEA office received an e-mail asking for a recommendation for an Enneagram training…
Flying into Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Santiago, Chile, is a breathtaking experience. For the final 15 minutes of…
Editor’s note: This article is actually two articles. The first is a personal history by Prof. Alaor Passos on his fascinating experiences and journey of self-discovery in Chile…
One of the most common questions I am asked when introducing people to the Enneagram goes something along the lines of: “Yes, but is it real? What scientific…
Abstract: When theory building for a system like the Enneagram, it is important to base new distinctions on a solid empirical and practical foundation. With the breadth of…
Abstract: In this article I consider how mistyping can happen by looking at the issue through the lenses of Ken Wilber’s Integral Model of A.Q.A.L.A.L.A.S.A.T. (All Quadrants, All…
Elizabeth Wagele, well-known in the Enneagram community for her witty and accurate introductory book, The Enneagram Made Easy, and additional volumes: Finding the Birthday Cake, written for children…
Abstract: The Enneagram and depth psychology inform each other in this analysis of American culture, and together they provide a richer view of the cultural psyche of the…
All right. You know your nine styles, 18 stress and security points, 18 wings and 27 subtypes. With this basic Enneagram, you have a formidable diagnostic tool and…
Abstract: What would it mean to you if you were to realize that two different personality systems in different languages were independently developed at different times in different…