How do you blend spiritual growth with business success? Explore the techniques and language coaches use to introduce the Enneagram and spiritual development into corporations. Learn the Deep-Level Change Coaching Model and integrate it with the Enneagram to shift your clients’ core belief structures. Recognize the appropriate depth at which to intervene with clients. Practice coaching another participant and receive feedback and suggestions following your coaching session. Learn type-specific attention practices and key conversations that accelerate clients’ development. Discover the traps and problems you may run into as you coach each personality type.

Ben Saltzman is currently collaborating internationally to open an Enneagram Center in Israel. He authored the book Rules for Visionary Leaders and the audio program Fly Free with the Enneagram. He teaches Enneagram-based seminars at John F. Kennedy University and co-developed the “Coaching to DeepLevel Change with the Enneagram” system. Ben coaches organizational leaders in Silicon Valley as well as spiritual seekers.

Ben Saltzman


2004 IEA Global Conference

Arlington, Virginia, USA