10th Anniversary: Using the Enneagram Creatively: Waking up to new possibilities
Arlington, Virginia, USA
August 6 – 8, 2004
Program PDF

The Enneagram, Pair Bonding, and Intimacy: An Exploration of the Fears and Desires of the 9 Enneagram Types in Intimacy

[NO RECORDING] This innovative presentation reveals profound insights into the [...]

By |2019-07-06T03:23:05+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on The Enneagram, Pair Bonding, and Intimacy: An Exploration of the Fears and Desires of the 9 Enneagram Types in Intimacy

Anger in our Lives and Relationsips: Gateway to Heaven or Path to Hell

[NO RECORDING] Anger is an incredibly constructive or destructive force [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:29+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Anger in our Lives and Relationsips: Gateway to Heaven or Path to Hell

Journey to Essence: The Enneagram, PsychoSpiritual Transformation, and Jung’s “The Great Work Which Goes Against One’s Nature”

[NO RECORDING] This workshop provides participants with pathways of liberation [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:29+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Journey to Essence: The Enneagram, PsychoSpiritual Transformation, and Jung’s “The Great Work Which Goes Against One’s Nature”

Transmuting Fears and Healing Soul Wounds: The Energy of Type, Center, Subtype, and the Essence Process

[NO RECORDING] In this workshop, we will explore the deepest [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:30+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Transmuting Fears and Healing Soul Wounds: The Energy of Type, Center, Subtype, and the Essence Process

Breakthrough Enneagram: See How You Can Present the Nine Types, Three Centers, and the First Steps in Personal Growth in Only Three Hours

[NO RECORDING] Kathy and Theodorre will present a fast paced, [...]

By |2019-07-06T03:19:09+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Breakthrough Enneagram: See How You Can Present the Nine Types, Three Centers, and the First Steps in Personal Growth in Only Three Hours

The Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics: Enneatype, Values, Society, and Culture Spiral Dynamics describes the dynamic of change

[NO RECORDING] in individuals and societies according to the evolution [...]

By |2019-07-06T03:19:36+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on The Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics: Enneatype, Values, Society, and Culture Spiral Dynamics describes the dynamic of change

Using Focusing to Explore the Spiritual Patterns of the Nine Enneagram Types

[NO RECORDING] Focusing is a simple, gentle way to use [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:24+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Using Focusing to Explore the Spiritual Patterns of the Nine Enneagram Types

Cancer Odyssey: Using the Enneagram, Physical Intelligence, and Creativity on the Cancer Journey

[NO RECORDING] A cancer diagnosis temporarily stops you in your [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:25+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Cancer Odyssey: Using the Enneagram, Physical Intelligence, and Creativity on the Cancer Journey

Transforming Organizations with the Enneagram: Linking Personal, Small Group, and Institutional Work

[NO RECORDING] An individual coaching program for senior executives would [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:25+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Transforming Organizations with the Enneagram: Linking Personal, Small Group, and Institutional Work

Learning to Live with Senses Wide Open: A Somatic Approach to the Enneagram

[NO RECORDING] No matter how old you are, how much [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:25+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Learning to Live with Senses Wide Open: A Somatic Approach to the Enneagram

Core Transformation and the Enneagram: A Graceful Path from Symptom to Spirituality

[NO RECORDING] Core Transformation is a gentle, yet profound method [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:26+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Core Transformation and the Enneagram: A Graceful Path from Symptom to Spirituality

Creativity, Original Blessing, and Our Holy Essence: Creation Spirituality Meets the Enneagram

[NO RECORDING] Matthew Fox 2004 2004 IEA Global Conference Arlington, [...]

By |2019-05-07T11:33:24+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Creativity, Original Blessing, and Our Holy Essence: Creation Spirituality Meets the Enneagram

Finding the Great Reality Deep Within: The Enneagram and the Twelve Steps

[NO RECORDING] How can a person in Twelve-Step recovery benefit [...]

By |2019-07-06T03:19:44+00:00August 6, 2004|2004 IEA Global Conference, No Media|Comments Off on Finding the Great Reality Deep Within: The Enneagram and the Twelve Steps
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