This workshop will help you translate the Enneagram’s theories into fruitful, effective practice. Tom will work with an audience member who wants to change Enneagramrelated problems, using therapeutic techniques customized to their specific Enneagram style. These demonstrations are usually vivid, entertaining and intense. Most produce a visible before-and-after difference in the client, as they shift from their Enneagram “fixation” to greater freedom. Come and experience a morning of fresh insights and new choices.

Thomas Condon has taught over 600 workshops in the United States, Europe and Asia. The Director of the Changeworks in Bend, Oregon, he has been an adjunct faculty member of Antioch University and the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of over 50 audiotapes, videotapes and books.

Tom Condon


2004 IEA Global Conference

Arlington, Virginia, USA