The Enneagram comes alive when it is between two people. None of the types exist by themselves.
At its core, the Enneagram is a tool to focus and frame contrasting positions, so it is a natural approach for mediators, therapists and consultants immersed in the resolution of conflict.
In this session, we’ll explore how the Enneagram’s built-in polarities and premises can ease fixed positions, and how mediators can work with type to create a context for conflict resolution
Michael Goldberg is the author of The 9 Ways of Working: How to Use the Enneagram to Discover Your Natural Strengths and Work More Effectively, and Travels with Odysseus. He is an attorney and has taught at graduate schools of management, psychology and law. His Enneagram clients include the CIA, Motorola, Honeywell, Wells Fargo, Philips Electronics (France), and TH Technology (China). His Enneagram work has been featured on CNN, the BBC, and Fox News Channel. www.9Waysof Working.com.
Michael Goldberg
2009 IEA Global Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA