In his famous travels, Homer’s great hero Odysseus meets and experiences each of the nine ennea-types in exact numerical order, and, indeed, The Odyssey is an important source of the Enneagram. Here we’ll tell the myths and adventures that underlie the nine styles, which deepen them and embody their mystery. The tales embedded in The Odyssey are archetypal teaching stories or wisdom tales that connect the Enneagram to its underlying mythology and psychology. We’ll see not only how each type sets up the next, but how to unhook from each type. This seminar will be of interest to anyone who teaches, consults or counsels with the Enneagram, and valuable to those who would like to work with the imagery and magical stories that structure their own Enneagram style.
Michael Goldberg is the author of The 9 Ways of Working and Travels with Odysseus. He has worked as an Enneagram consultant to large organizations (including Honeywell, Motorola, Philips, Nu-ear Electronics, and the Central Intelligence Agency) and many non-profit organizations. He is an attorney and has taught on graduate faculties of management, psychology and law. He teaches the Enneagram widely in North America, Europe, Africa and has recently returned from five weeks of teaching and consulting in China, where he leads the Professional School of Psychology certification in the Enneagram. www.9WaysofWorking.com
Michael Goldberg
2006 IEA Global Conference
Chicago, Illinois, USA