Displaying 276 - 300 of 646

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The Enneagram Types in Grief & Loss

Exploration of grief and loss through the lens of our Enneagram personality is eye opening! Whether loss is related to health, shattered dreams, or…

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Hello!  I will be offering a fun, innovative workshop called, “The Undivided Self: A Lively Conversation about the Transformative Power of Releasing Beliefs that Bind Us”, based on the discoveries…

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This workshop will provide greater clarity, confidence, connection and vitality in your relational communications. Each Enneatype hears and understands key words and communications in their own special way. We will…

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J’ai du mal à croire que six semaines ont déjà passé depuis la nouvelle année. Cette période a été très active pour le Board de l’IEA. Nous avons…

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Fevereiro 2016


É difícil acreditar que já estamos ao longo da sexta semana do novo ano. Tem sido um tempo muito intenso para mim e para o Conselho da…

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Comenzamos con nuestro clásico “Conversando el Eneagrama” en marzo de 2016. En inglés sería “Conversaciones de Eneagrama”, una reunión mensual en el que discutimos un artículo previamente seleccionado. Esta vez…

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News from the IEA Argentina Affiliate

We begin with our classic “Conversando el Eneagrama” in March 2016. In English it would be “Enneagram Conversations”, a monthly meeting in…

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MN-IEA Newsletter     March,2016


Embedding the…

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Sobre a Metodologia

O Eneagrama é uma sabedoria de símbolos. Compreender os seus símbolos é ter um novo entendimento sobre a nossa condição humana. Ao longo dos tempos o símbolo…

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Febrero 2016

¡Saludos a todos!

Es difícil de creer que ya pasaron seis semanas desde el año nuevo.  Durante este tiempo estuve muy ocupada junto con el…

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About the Methodology

The Enneagram is a wisdom of symbols. Understanding its symbols is having a new insight about our human condition. Through the ages, the symbol of the Enneagram…

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February, 2016


It’s hard to believe that we’re already over six weeks into a new year.  It’s been a very busy time for me…

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Mid-day on Sunday our cable went out. Not just the cable TV, but the phone and internet connection that come in with it as well. It was a rainy day…

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Protective Mechanism of the Eight: I’m in Charge—You Will Not Mess With Me

The Eight defends himself against being rejected or hurt by instinctively creating a protective barrier around him,…

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The Doorway Home: The Path of Surrender

At AA meetings he begins to hear the broken stories of other men, men who have sat where he sits, who have learned…

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Copyright 2015, Version 1.0

The Heart and Soul of Type Eight  

When men enter Mercy House rehab they meet Dominic, a tall, broad-shouldered, kick-your-ass-swaggering, confidant-as-God, pony-tailed Dominican. An addiction’s counselor…

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(An excerpt from the upcoming book “The How & Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram:  A Practical Framework to Drive more Effective, Efficient, and Sustainable Business Results and…

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"IEA_crossingborders_logo"Denmark set the location and the four Nordic hosting countries set the tone at the European Enneagram conference in Copenhagen with…

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"Melanie-smallCommunication is challenging. So many factors influence it, from culture to timing, and misinterpretations abound. It’s because of communication’s…

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Enneagram Midwest Newsletter

Welcome to the Enneagram Midwest Newsletterr

Upcoming Enneagram events….

We invite you to scan through to see what appeals to you and be sure to register early!

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Love is the energy from which all other Divine energies flow and therefore can be said to be the mother of all being. In many religious teachings, Love is equated…

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Desde la última vez que escribí he tenido la oportunidad de experimentar no una, sino dos Conferencias IEA – la Conferencia Global IEA en San Francisco y la…

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Since writing last, I’ve had the opportunity to experience not one, but two IEA Conferences – the IEA Global Conference in San Francisco and the IEA European Conference in…

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Before words, there were images, and in a sense images are our first language. And much like images that appear in dreams and altered states, they can communicate to us…

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Third force blind

Race in the United States. Family secrets. An argument with my husband. Irritation with my friend. A frustrating habit that repeatedly gets in my way.

These all…

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