Displaying 326 - 350 of 646

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From Darkness to Light – Using the Core Transformation Model on Enneagram-Specific Issues "Stephanie

Core Transformation is an NLP process where…

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The Nine Keys to Parenting – Tracy Tresidder, Margaret Loftus, and Jacqui Pollock "Traci,

Parenting is a multi-faceted job, and we believe there…

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This is an experiential workshop using art making as a medium for accessing and understanding aspects of our own enneatypes, as well as the…

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"141123_IEAIEA Enneagram Journal – Call for Papers

Submission Deadline is February 28, 2015

The Enneagram Journal is a peer-review journal, produced by…

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"2015, the 2015 Conference will showcase the Enneagram through illuminating presentations, solid tradition and wisdom, and next-generation innovation.

The IEA Conference is…

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There is a saying in zen that becoming enlightened is simple:

Sit straight and breathe. And in 20 years or so you will become instantly enlightened.

Work with the Enneagram strikes me…

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9-Rhythms: Dancing the Enneagram Cycle of Change – Eric Lyleson "Eric"

Gabrielle Roth founded a conscious dance practice called 5Rhythms.  Participants dance…

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Yoga Nine Ways – Debi Saraswati Lewis "Debi

The ultimate goal of Yoga is to let go of our…

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"TomNoves podem ser motivados à mudança por uma série de razões. Problemas apresentados a conselheiros podem incluir: depressão, procrastinação, falta…

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How to Share the Enneagram with More People – Adelaida Harrison de Capdevielle "Adelaida

Do you really believe the Enneagram has changed…

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"TomOitos podem ser motivados à mudança por uma variedade de razões, entre elas: tédio, um desejo de ajudar outras pessoas,…

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“The Enneagram for Teens. Building Character” – Elizabeth Wagele"Liz

Seeing the 9 types of teens in person, hearing how they experience…

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EnneaMotion: A Taste of Type – Andrea Isaacs"Andrea

EnneaMotion, an experiential approach to learning the Enneagram, is the closest we…

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Enneagram Perspective Circles:  Mining More of our Inner Gold"Sandra

with Sandra Smith, M. Div., Certified Narrative Tradition Teacher


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It can be baffling when one is trying to determine his/her Enneagram type. Initially, we try to find ourselves in the lists of characteristics. Some fit from all of the…

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"TomLes Sept changent pour de nombreuses raisons dont : l’ennui, les feedback qu’ils ont reçus, la difficulté à s’engager, le surpoids…

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"TomEditor’s Note:  Here are some useful ideas about how to use the Enneagram in our work and day-to-day personal lives.

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"TomSetes podem ser motivados à mudança por uma variedade de razões, entre elas: tédio, feedback dos outros, problemas com comprometimento,…

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This is the third part of a report…

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Congreso IEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015


Información General para los Presentadores

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"IEA-Logo-Standard-Tagline-RGB"IEA Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015

General Information for Presenters

IEA Latin American Enneagram Conference in Buenos…

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Os ansiosos Seis são frequentemente motivados à mudança por causa da intensidade dos seus medos, e por causa do número de limitações comportamentais que eles suportam, ao tornarem-se reféns destes…

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By Lynda Roberts, President, IEA Board of Director

As we enter into 2015 and I write this, my first “Letter from the President” to you, I am excited and looking…

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From Chapter 12 of Mary Bast and Clarence Thomson’s Out of the Box Coaching with the Enneagram, 4th Edition, available at Amazon.com in "thomson…</strong

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 Dear Enneagram enthusiast

Four IEA Affiliates in the Nordics are working together to arrange the next IEA European Enneagram Conference…

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