The session will describe how teams develop and how working with the Enneagram will help create highly efficient teams. The session will cover the following topics: the phases of team development, the manager’s role, the team member role, the team under stress, and indications of strength and weakness of specific teams. The Enneagram is used as a model to illustrate the motivators for the manager and team member in the actual steps in the team’s development. The results that are presented at the session are based on studies from workshops with teams and managers.
Flemming Christensen has been working as a management consultant for the last 15 years, he is the author of 8 books (2 about the Enneagram), and he has presented the Enneagram and theories about management and leadership to more than 8,000 people.
Flemming Christensen
2004 IEA Global Conference
Arlington, Virginia, USA