How Science Can Help to Solve the Enneagram’s Credibility Problem – new
Introduction: The mission of the IEA is to create a [...]
Introduction: The mission of the IEA is to create a [...]
Fall Greetings! Our September Newsletter is from Enneagram Author and [...]
The Enneagram: The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander While [...]
The ancient Pythagorean philosophers of southern Italy—back in the 6th [...]
Wouldn't you like to know about all of my adventures. [...]
TEST: This is my test content.
We have no media to post
Dear Enneagram Friends, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said,"A [...]
WELCOME FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello IEA Friends! Welcome back to [...]
Hablar de la experiencia del vacío es todo un desafío. [...]
IEA Korea was established in 2008 as the only official [...]
We have some important decisions to make. Decisions on how [...]
Critical voices are associated with what Freud called the Superego, [...]
Today, the Enneagram is a global phenomenon. But 20 years [...]
Why Study the Enneagram? At first glance, the Enneagram seems [...]
There was once an organization called The Flat Earth Society [...]
The Coming of Wisdom with Time Teaching the Enneagram to [...]
Never in our lifetimes has there been a period when [...]
No matter how much you feel that your life has [...]
In the 1945 French film Children of Paradise there is [...]
The IEA recently hosted an online workshop focused on the [...]
Facilitated by Leslie Hershberger & Curt Micka Featuring Panelists: Beatrice [...]
I’m intrigued by the parallels among the Bible story of [...]
If you’re on Instagram today, perhaps you’ve seen it—not the [...]
This article is excerpted from our new book, "Instinctual Leadership: [...]
AN ENNEAGRAM OVERVIEW Here are some thoughts on questions [...]
I met Brodie at the IEA Conference 2018 in Cincinnati, [...]
“If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that [...]
Here are some methods where you fully accept your Enneagram [...]
Enneatype Four is known for heightened sensitivity, dramatic feelings, and [...]
Our Enneagram type also affects our career path, growth and [...]
There is an organization called The Flat Earth Society whose [...]
Communication is... The way we express ourselves verbally and nonverbally. [...]
For a long time now, I have been obsessed with [...]
Eights, Nines and Ones usually have no inherent trouble with [...]
Eights control through lust which includes sexual lust, but encompasses [...]
Conference session cancelled due to illness This session will cover [...]
The 3 triangles of the Enneagram -- 9-3-6, 1-4-7 and [...]
Over 250,000 muscle testing calibrations, spanning 30 years of [...]
Are you a therapist or coach who helps couples? Or [...]
We all know the Enneagram could radically change the world. [...]
In this session, we will explore ways to bring the [...]
Discovering Your Soul Child. Pablo Picasso said, "it took me [...]
When Millenials express outrage about "microaggressions," one might wonder whether [...]
This presentation will explore the impact of instinctual energy, separate [...]
With a clear vision for how the Enneagram could be [...]
You are invited to learn about and engage with the [...]
One of the reasons we concoct our defensive strategies is [...]
What does it take to build a cohesive and effective [...]